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The Best Bedroom Plants and Their Benefits

Everything you need to know about plants that improve air quality and ultimately lead to healthier sleep.

Aug 28, 2020

Plants are super fun and easy ways to bring a space to life. Adding variety to room through shape and color is only one of the many benefits of house plants. Some are especially great for filtering natural toxins and gases in the air while also promoting a sense of calm. We spend a lot of time in bed and in our bedrooms, so adding plants to improve air quality can lead to healthier sleep. We’ve rounded up a few houseplants that will do just the trick.




This heart-shaped plant brings a sense of undying love to the bedroom. Literally undying, philodendrons are nearly impossible to kill. This plant grows trailing vines, making it beautiful for hanging near a window and requires only occasional watering. But be careful, due to its tendency to absorb formaldehyde in the air, it can be toxic to pets.


Golden Pothos

Similar to heart-shaped philodendrons, pothos plants are resilient trailing plants. They’re easy to maintain and infamous for growing under fluorescent office lighting. So, this is a good choice if your bedroom gets low natural light. It’s the perfect plant for your bedroom because it filters formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, and benzene in the air, making it effective at eliminating odors. It’s also super easy to propagate, so if you think this plant can work wonders in more than one room, feel free to spread the love. 

English Ivy

If you haven’t had enough of beneficial cascading plants, the English Ivy is both aesthically pleasing and very functional. It’s a go-to plant for anyone with allergies, research shows, because of its unmatched ability to rid the air of toxins. Plus, it only requires moderate light and watering, making it a great option for new plant parents. 

Snake Plant

Also known as Mother In-Law’s Tongue, the snake plant is one of the best plants for your bedroom because it spends all day turning carbon dioxide from the air into oxygen. It’s super low maintenance, thriving in indirect sunlight, and with occasional watering. 


An aloe vera plant is a great bedroom plant, especially for anyone who tends to feel a bit stuffy. Aloe produces oxygen at night which is great for improving air quality. With some indirect light and very little watering, aloe will grow abundantly. It also has medicinal properties. So, if you’re ever in need of some skin-soothing, you can cut open a leaf and apply to any burns, cuts, or dry patches. 

Adding a plant to your bedroom can be a fun complement to your favorite bedding. The best plant for you totally depends on your aesthetic preference, air-purifying needs, and care-commitment. No matter which plant you choose, you’ll be doing yourself the favor of enhancing air quality for easy-going deep sleep.

Written by Cybele Ramirez

Cybele is a freelance writer covering all things culture and lifestyle. She’s also a content strategist in the tech startup space and mastering Media Studies at The New School. You can find this native New Yorker canoodling her two dogs, trying out a new recipe, or on IG @cybelina.

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