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How to Staycation in 2020

A small adventure can be as easy as a short road trip, discovering a new park, and climbing to witness new views. There’s nothing like the great outdoors to shake off cabin fever. 

Jun 25, 2020

Many of us ran into the new year with jet-setting in mind. Unfortunately, 2020 had other plans. Vacationing at home may feel like the complete opposite of what you’d hoped for. Sometimes all you’re missing is a tase of something new. Luckily, there are some fun and easy ways to satisfy the travel bug in you, no matter what kind of tourist you tend to be. 

The Backpacker

If you’re more of the spontaneous type while looking for your next adventure, it’s time to pack a small bag. Pack plenty of water and bug spray because you may find yourself trekking on a hike or setting up camp. A small adventure can be as easy as a short road trip, discovering a new park, and climbing to witness new views. There’s nothing like the great outdoors to shake off cabin fever. 

The Cultural Enthusiast

If museums and landmarks are what you miss about traveling, try being a tourist in your hometown. There’s a lot to learn about your city and state on a short walking or driving tour. Feel free to add a fun twist to your experience by touring with a theme, like famous movie sets or historical architecture. 


The Foodie

We know there is nothing like trying new foods in a new city. But we’ve got an idea for making the most of take-out. First, choose a cuisine. Push yourself to order something you haven’t tried before. If you live with a partner or roommates, consider doing this together. That way, there are plenty of new dishes to try. While you’re waiting for your order, tune into a playlist to match the night’s vibes or a foreign film with subtitles. Don’t forget to order drinks and dessert to get the full effect of being somewhere new. Plus, you’ll be supporting a local business, too! 

 Maarten van den Heuvel | ALIGN : LEFT

The Escapist

If for you, “vacation” is synonymous with “beach,” then it’s time to get pack your cooler. Make yourself a frozen beverage and pack some refreshing snacks then had to the beach. As parks and beaches start to reopen, consider heading to a new location. Don’t forget to pack a good book to help your mind travel, too. After a long day in the sun, light a few candles, and draw yourself a bath for the ultimate resort feel.

 The Soul Searcher

If you were looking forward to finding yourself through travel this year, here is a temporary fix. Hold a socially distanced yoga retreat with your close friends in your yard or at the park. If you’re no yogi, there are plenty of guided sessions online to help you out. 

Written by Cybele Ramirez

Cybele is a freelance writer covering all things culture and lifestyle. She’s also a content strategist in the tech startup space and mastering Media Studies at The New School. You can find this native New Yorker canoodling her two dogs, trying out a new recipe, or on IG @cybelina.

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